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Monday, June 7, 2010

Vacation is over :(

We were on vacation last week and went to Cobblestone Lodge in Steelville, Missouri. My plan was to blog each day about everything we did, but I didn't get a chance and instead of blogging about each day, I'm going to blog about the vacation in general and then probably blog seperately about a few highlights of the vacation. Cobblestone Lodge is a family-fun resort in the Ozarks in Missouri. Shawn's family has been vacationing there for more than 30 years. There is SO much stuff to do there - every day there is a list of activties. There is always tubing/canoe/float trips, putt-putt, swimming, volleyball, horsehoes, games and cards. Then there was different tourneys - washers, fling 'em, bocce ball, volleyball, shuffleboard. There was also karaoke, bingo, square dancing, teen night, horse racing, talent show. We had three family-style meals per day and dessert with lunch and dinner. We ate way too much food! I know I put on about 10 pounds. Shawn golfed a couple of days - once at Cuba Lakes and once at Sullivan Country Club. I rode with him for the first 9 holes at Sullivan, but then the sun came out and it got hot so I went driving around. We ventured out twice with Steve and Christa - once to a little spring park, and then once to Meramac Springs Park - this park was really, really nice and interesting to tour. Shawn and I even went to a few yard sales on Saturday. The whole town participated in yard sales that weekend. Below are some pictures from around Cobblestone.



1 comment:

ian said...

Thank you for sharing your brilliant thoughts and ideas. It really helps me a lot. Keep on posting.