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Friday, December 23, 2011

He's made the big time...

Earlier this month, on my birthday actually, Shawn left to go out of town for work.  He flew to Denver, Colorado to film a commercial for his work. The commercial is supposed to air sometime in March I believe, so I'll definitely be blogging about it then.  He was gone for almost a week, and it was the loneliest week of my life :(  While he was gone, he had a great time, but a busy time.  He didn't have much down time, as the WOW! people had lots of them to do.  He spent about a day and a half in the studio for production and filming, drove into Colorado Springs to visit the call center of WOW!, spent time at the main WOW! office, stopped and visited the Denver Garden of the Gods, and had lots of lunch and dinners out.  He stayed at Hotel Teatro and I must admit I was very jealous!  This hotel looks and sounded amazing!

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